About the Trust

Byways and Bridleways Trust (BBT) is a charity which exists to protect bridleways and byways in England and Wales.

The Trust's charitable aim is:

To protect, preserve, maintain, secure, improve and develop public rights of way for the benefit of the public at large, so that the conditions of life may be improved, in particular by taking steps to ensure high standards of surveying and recording on definitive maps and any other public records of public rights of way over byways open to all traffic, roads used as public paths [sic, now obsolete], unmetalled carriageways, green lanes, drove roads, driftways and bridleways in England and Wales.

Statutory Notices

The Trust is a statutory consultee for proposed changes or effects on public rights of way (minor highways).

If you are sending the Trust a notice or a consultation, please use

notices @ bywaysandbridlewaystrust.org.uk

We are aware that some regulations are very old and require service of notice by post but we prefer you to use email instead.

The Charity

The Byways and Bridleways Trust is a charity registered with the number 280214 in 1980. The registered address is:

Harwood Dale
YO13 0DS

Please use email for notices.

The Seymour Papers

The Countryside Code

Rights come with responsibilities. Landholders must keep rights of way clear; highway authorities must maintain the surface and protect the public's right to pass; users should comply with The Countryside Code. A coroner's case arising from the death of a person walking with their dog among cattle requires us to inform users of rights of way of the need for their safe conduct. Please be familiar with the Code and what to do when encountering livestock on public rights of way, especially if accompanied by a dog.